Burning Russian Olive Wood Step 1 Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. It is still softwood, so does not provide as much heat as oak, maple or black locust. It burns clean and hot. I have some birch and cherry Ive been mixing it in with that too. If you look at a BTU chart, it has either the highest or 2nd highest rating of all wood that grows in the US. Build the fire slowly, using a combination of Russian olive wood and faster-burning wood, such as pine. and we burn them in our fireplace after they are seasoned. Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet, even though the volume of the stack is 128 cubic feet. I burn, wild black cherry, black walnut, elm, hickory and yellow tulip. Ive burned a lot of it in the last 35 years. I can lift a 3 log of aspen into my fire box the same oak log is too heavy. French Polynesia, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Libya, Martinique, Middle East, New Caledonia, Oceania, Reunion, Russian Federation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, South America . This is a tree that I will avoid even if it is free! Green wood from the olive tree is high in water content, so it will smoke in the fire. I live on the west slope too and have found that oak, even when protected, doesnt keep that well, unlike cedar, pine, fir, or lodgepole. The smoke from burning Russian olive pairs well with pork, lamb, seafood, poultry, pizzas, and vegetables. The trees crotch can be especially hard to split. My wood cribs have steel floors to keep the wood off the ground and away from bugs, so the wood stays dry. I live in WI. The ones in the western hardwoods chart are for the west coast varieties. Toss in a large log; itll give off heat for much longer than options like pine. It is easy to split and burns great. The Russian Olive I have seems very dense, but I haven't burned much yet. Wood needs to typically produce healthy goals to allow the fire to stay hot and restart in the morning. attributed to mark twain!!! Add surfacing: $113.00 . I burned some buckthorn in 1.5 to 4 diameter unsplit and that stuff burns HOT in our wood stove; it stinks and its not the easiest to start. We love it it burns slower and longer so we dont have use our wood as fast. Theres a very large pile of willow butt logs, in a bunch pile from the willow my landlords had cut down, its an eyesore and Im tempted to lop it up and split it, not only to get rid of it but firewood is going for 210.00 per cord here and Im thinking its not cost effective to bother with wood having natural gas for the furnace. I live in East Tennessee which has a great variety of hardwoods. rating for mountain mahogany. The Btu rating for Almond varies from 29 to 32, why the variance? Its not worth the time to cut, split, stack and burn. Russian olive is the only variety of its kind, but it does go by many names. Maybe the aroma will get better with age after seasoning this summer . Looked through posts and didnt see if there was any mention of the BTUs of a Norway Maple. The exception . Enjoy your fires! We have many native hardwoods here but this is the best, cleanest stuff Ive found. If some of the wood is used for construction, there is a net decrease in CO2 from the activity. However, someone told me that buckthorn burns so hot you have to be careful your wood-burner doesnt crack. As a result, a cord of wood may only have 70-90 cubic feet of actual solid wood. . We call them Rock Maples and they are over abundant in our town in Maine. Builders planted them everywhere in Maryland, so talk about an abundant supply of firewood. If you take a piece of that wood and another same size piece of another type of wood that you know the BTU of, you can get a general idea. Another opinion added to the interwebs Cheers, Happy Burning. It peeled off like bark ( but clearly wasnt) exposing 4 panels glued together. The wood is dense, like ironwood, meaning it burns slowly, and you won't have to keep adding more to the fire. (Im assuming it rates as a soft maple) Luckily, our home is passive solar with super-insulated walls so it will still be worth burning. AND TALK ABOUT FIREWOOD, IT BURNS HOT AND IS FAIRLY LONG LASTING.ABOUT HALF OF MY YEARLY FIREWOOD IS THIS CEDAR.ID CALL THIS TYPE SOMEWHAT OF A HARDWOOD, UNLIKE INCENSE CEDAR. Tip: Olive wood gives off a funky, unpleasant smell if it isnt given enough seasoning. Even when thoroughly seasoned, it does tend to spit embers sporadically. I am planting some of the Eastern varieties out here that we had in PA. Hemlock that is stacked in a single stack with plenty of air and sun can be ready to burn in one summer. The woods grain may be straight, wavy, curly, wild, or interlocked. I recently was the recipient of some birch I can see what the btu content is, but I was wondering if anyone has burned much. Any advice as to species, training, harvest and also seasoning of smallish diameter limbs, or direction to such information, would be much appreciated. Russian olive does produce a lot of heat. I dont know how that changes as it dries out. While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. On to cooking. If the Russian olive woods content is still too high after a year, give it a few more months to season. Oil? It is recommended that you use a mixture of firewood when starting a fire instead of relying solely on Russian olive to get it going. Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. If I come across more apple I will cut it . It is difficult to evaluate available heat value of wood because of the complex process of obtaining heat from wood. Consistency between charts will vary due to different variables between different data sources. I have not tried the Madrona yet,but have a quarter of a cord for sale for $75.00! Theyre all gone around here.. Campfires need much radiant heat to keep you warm on a chilly night . I really dont get the obsession with BTU by speicies. If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. While this sounds simple, its essential to get it right. It burns with a big bright flame then turns into a big bed of red hot coals that burn forever . Do they make good firewood? Russian olive will smoke a substantial amount if not left to dry out for long enough. There is some conflicting data between different sources due to different calculating variables. here in washington all the old timers and people that heat there houses just with wood buy douglas fir and the hipsters burn hard wood because they think its better. Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. It will spark quite a bit, however, when the burning logs collapse upon one another during the burning process. Dogwood is by far the hottest. In regards to Splitters, I have a homemade hydraulic 28 Ton that had cycle issues. I dont have the ratings for that maple, but you can always weigh it and get a general idea that way. How Does Russian Olive Compare To Other Firewood? I burn approximately 20 cords of wood each season. Make a horizontal cut with your chainsaw through the opposite side of the tree 1 to 2 inches above the original cuts. I find black cherry and hickory give the best burning results. But, as long as it burns and it sounds like it beats cottonwood and pine. Like other fruit trees, this firewood gives off a mild, sweet scent that many enjoy. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood items, Fluorescence: A Secret Weapon in Wood Identification, Ash Wood: Black, White, and Everything in Between, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian, and Other Rosewoods, Genuine Lignum Vitae and Argentine Lignum Vitae. In fact, Im convinced you cant, conventionally. As a common invasive species, you have probably seen Russian olive often on a countryside walk. After seeing this list, I now understand why live oak dulls my chainsaw blades so quick. Also, their is plenty of it and nobody burns it so is always available and helps to conserve my hardwood. See my page on donating wood samples for more info. But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. The tradition of burning a Yule log has largely fizzled out in most parts of the world. I only found that one btu chart on the internet which says it has pretty decent BTUs. As the chainsaw reaches the middle of the tree, the tree will begin to fall due to the hinge you originally cut. I will definitely cut more hickory, beech and oak . But when burnt while still holding more than 20% moisture in its wood, it will continue to release that unpleasant smell. BARK SEEMS OAKLIKE. I have found that when dried, it is very hard and not easy to carve but, when green, it is very easy to carve! Jan 27, 2013. Seasoned wood is always the best bet, and I dont mean that seasoned = less than 4+ months. I dug into it and have burned a face cord or so. Your plants roots will love you for it! The manzanita and white alder need more research. I take that to mean that seasoned wood, with the same moisture content, will be pound for pound equivalent in terms of heating value but you may need to burn to 2-3x pine vs hickory. Unlike tulip poplar firewood which releases few coals and has a short burning period. I built a wood topped banjo with it and have loved the wood ever sense but it is a thorn bush and you will loose a lot of blood getting the wood and i lost a pickup tire to the 2inch thorns. Im new to burning wood in an open fireplace. I am planting osage orange, black walnut, sassafrass, and black locust. I recently shaped into slabs. This wood is twice as hot as anything else. When dry, Russian olive will give off very little smoke, making it a good choice as an indoor fire source. if it does not stay at 30,40 C . I saw a question about Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven, as to suitability for firewood. Russian olive is a long lived tree (80-100 years) which grows rapidly up to 10 m in height and 30 cm in diameter and starts to fruit after 5-6 years. It does mention its good fuel, but not how good. Range of burning properties of the Australian eucalypts covers the full spectrum (and dont even bother with wattles). Caution, cutting dead hedge will eat your saw chain in a heart beat, it becomes so hard and stringy. We like to go ahead and cut the stump in 9 sections. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. I've never seen birds eating the berries. I have about a hundred of these that were cut in maintaining a power line right of way. Is this wood useable for smoking in a pit style smoker? All the old timers around only burn oak and turn their nose up at fir. Sapwood a much lighter yellow-white. Some people find this unsettling, while popping embers can burn carpets and rugs. WHAT KIND OF LOCUST IS IT AND WILL IT BE A GOOD FIREWOOD IN A COUPLE OF MONTH..THANKS Brent C. Minard. One random ember could quickly start an unwanted fire. (Also, a number whose seed pods are only opened by bushfires.). I have pictures of him with an electric pole saw (hes deathly afraid of power equipment)cutting 2 diameter branches on the ground !!! Don't burn it until it has seasoned for at least one year. We use an outdoor wood burner. Being a semi professional firewood dealer here in the Redding area of the State of Jefferson, California I find a lot of mixed wood. Russian olive is good firewood to use when you already have the means to start a fire. Does anyone have any experience with gum? Have burned fir and cedar from the property, but so far have stayed away from the pine. One perk of Russian olive: it burns hot. Thanks to the high BTU that Russian olive firewood produces and its long-lasting heat, Russian olive is an effective choice of wood to use in your fireplace. I have cut and burned a bit of Russian Olive. 3) Cottonwood is actually one of the poplars (Populus deltoides) and is rated quite a bit higher in the West (16.8) than the East (13.5). Wood has close to the same BTU per dry pound regardless of species. The draw back is it is very hard to split . If one falls on your truck its like having a bowling ball hit it. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. It is not wood that leaks water as soon as it is split, unlike sycamore wood. GOTTA CLIMB HIGH AND USE A POLE ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW,,,GITTING IT DONE BUT WILL IT BE GOOD FOR MY LOPA WOOD STOVE..APPRECIATE SOME ANSWERS. Dont worry about the ashes your stove produces. It smells great too . BTU rating. Was used centuries ago as a last rite in dwelling of certain Mohave Indian tribes when older people were near death. Ill cut a limb, and if its yellow inside its hedge. Although it does not grow to be large in diameter, with older varieties of the tree, splitting the trunk part of the tree can be pretty difficult. Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesnt spark and pop. Step away from the tree at a 45-degree angle once it starts to fall. All firewood has about the same BTU per pound. Maybe a little more BTUs than cottonwood . When he's not working on axes, he's probably camping, hunting, or honing his survivalist skills. I have tentatively decided on part native Osage Orange [hedge apple] for the BTU but I see from all the knowledgeable comments here I need more than one type of wood. I now have access to a great deal of Poplar. This wood is ideal used for cooking, adding delicious flavor whether you love to grill, spit roast, or smoke. i have burned firewood about 34 years and it is obvious the people who compiled the listings here have never used firewood for heat [ college educated idiots ] and i feel sorry for the people who cant recognize fools at point blank range!! When the tempreture drops to single digits or below zero the BTU output keeps my home comfortable, I also like the shagbark hickery. Surprisingly, Russian olive firewood does not produce many coals. I heard somewhere that most of the ash comes from the bark. So if you remove the bark you have fewer ashes to clean out. Also have lots (4 cord) of seasoned oak and cherry on hand. Probably about 5 btus per cord. Greenwood is wood that has just been cut and not seasoned. NO BUGS EITHER. Mulberry burns wonderfully, but gets so hot it put a crack in our first cast-iron stove when it was used as a full load, so we only use one piece at a time with other woods. The firewood BTU rating charts below give a comparison between different firewood types. I live in southwest Oregon. hope this helped you. This can mean much longer burn times and less loading. It doesnt seem to put out much ash, but does put out some real heat. For me and my outdoor boiler, I prefer the junk wood like aspen and spruce. I am courious about the btu of pecan and swamp chestnut oak and which oak burns the best . I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside. Use a combination of woods instead. Is It Okay To Burn Russian Olive In A Fireplace? I heat 5,500 sq ft with 130,000 BTU Franks Piping Wood Boiler from Quebec CDN. I am going to try some Apple wood next to see if it matches up with the hickory. Like the man said , if you got it free, its worth burning for heat. My grad parents were pioneers who cooked /heated homestead houses with white popular ! The tree, about 30ft tall,Read more . Cut a horizontal cut one-third of the way through the trunk with the chainsaw. Get The FactsContinue, There are 21 species of walnut trees around the world, but black walnut and English walnut are two of the most popular varieties in North, Read More How Good Is Walnut Firewood? Your main consideration is that, to burn clean, any wood. Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet, even though the volume of the stack is 128 cubic feet. Ive only ived here for the last 4 years, It should have been pruned back many years ago but now to late and needs to be cut down. Once dried, it will burn clean and provide slow-burning coals. Throw the Ailanthus away. They can b very hard to split cuz its stringy. My neighbors complemented on the smell of it .Its great cooking wood too . Overall, compared to other hardwoods, Russian olive can burn for just as long as douglas fir or birch while producing very creosote. I use a LOT of hemlock because I have 10 acres of hemlock woods and trees come down in storms and have to be cleaned up. However, if you are burning firewood throughout the year then you should do this more often. When you grow a tree, you take carbon out of the atmospere. What is Russian olive wood good for? Likewise, wood that does not burn clean, including unseasoned wood, produces more creosote. What Are The Varieties Of Russian Olive Wood? Is It Okay To Burn Russian Olive In A Fireplace? Dont know much about western woods, except that the citrus groves my wifes family own in Mesa, AZ make tremendous wood for fires. You are correct Bill, wood has about the same BTU per weight. The olive woods sweetness helps balance the slightly bitter hickory smoke. Im thrilled to read about mulberrys quallitiestheres alot of that here in WI, Hi Gang! Keeps for a couple years at best. I have not found it listed anywhere as rated for firewood and was wondering if it would produce enough heat to make it worthwhile for use in the fireplace. Split these sections into sticks. Sure, willows not much good, and I quit dragging it home years ago. I was wondering if anybody knows if this is true? Im in California, about 3800 ft up the west side of the Sierra Navadas. My favorite wood to burn, has always been standing dead elm. Once burning it will not go out, so it is also commonly used for hog roast pits. Check out the following table comparing the heat output of olive to various other common types of firewood. They then loose there bark &; become silver faded color &; will stand dead for yrs. Coals are to fire as fuel, to keep it going and provide lasting heat. Sounds like my neighbor would get along great with yours. A used asphalt coating bucket or any small metal bucket with lid will work. Note my location and you will understand that many of the species mentioned were new to me. Be wary of using Russian olive wood in an open fireplace. Russian Olive grows fast and smells good, two ideal characteristics. Finished with a combination mixture of clear lacquer, boiled linseed oil, and denatured alcohol. Other invasive olive trees are the Autumn olive (. Can I Only Use Seasoned Firewood For Burning? It does burn a little fast but it throws out the heat. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? I live in Bedford County Va and burn what I have on my property. We live in the upper Mojave desert (Calif.) and pretty much have to take what wood is available to buy. Everyone has these charts but none of the wood listed is available here in Southern Cal. My grandfather told that with him carrying wood in all winter and grandma hauling out the ashes he never saw her all winter !! Fire it upFire it up! With an abundance of Apple orchards in the area, Apple wood is also readily available.
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