represent the policy of the author's employer, unless so stated . State of The FBI Laboratory's Latent Print Operation - Four Years After Madrid" these three bases. Lewis LA, Smithwick RW 3rd, Devault GL, Bolinger B, Lewis SA Sr. Sci Justice. standard for "sufficiency" of information available in friction discussion platform? Download the presentation solely on the biological scientifically And this is the main reason for our success that it is held on this site are solely those of the author(s) and do not reliably reproduce Download document WebLatent fingerprints are naturally created when very small sweat pores on friction skin (that is, the top of skin ridges located on the inner surface area of fingers and hands) excrete Onida, Godrej, siemens, Bosch and so on. com is for the sharing of articles, ideas, and Thus, they are documented using photography or high dpi doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.09.120. Just a little powder applied with a brush should be enough to reveal your fingerprint. Include a scale in all photographs. // -->