Requirements. Returns the bundled metadata, if any, or null if the given save could not be deserialized and loaded. Executes its contents while the given conditional expression evaluates to true. Several UI API methods have moved to the new Dialog API. For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (): Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually. There are cases, however, where things get a bit more complicated, namely: instances where you need to pass the name of a variable as an argument, rather than its value, and those where you want to pass the result of an expression as argument. Generates no output. Determines whether certain elements within the UI bar are updated when passages are displayed. Roughly equivalent to the :passagestart event. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. Its contents are treated as raw HTML markupi.e., none of SugarCube's special HTML processing is performed. Returns whether a fade is in-progress on the track. Due to a flaw in the current release of Twine1/Twee (v1.4.2), if you rename the directory included in the archive (or simply copy its contents to your current SugarCube v2 install), then you must ensure that the file with the extension .py (the story format's custom Twine1 Header class file) within is named the same as the directoryi.e., the name of the directory and .py file must match. Outputs the contents of the passage with the given name, optionally wrapping it within an HTML element. depending on the age of your browser, you may also see a list of all current variables when interacting with the Add field. Note: Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. You will also need to specify a .link-visited style that defines the properties visited links should have. Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts. For example, a common use of <> is to perform various actions before forwarding the player to another passage. Note: For example: While every valid expressioneven those you might not expectyields a value, there are essentially two types of expressions: those with side effects and those without. See Engine API for more information. Passage display. Returns a random member from the array or array-like object. It is unlikely that you will ever want to disable this setting. Causes leading/trailing newlines to be removed and all remaining sequences of newlines to be replaced with single spaces before the passage is rendered. Unsupported object types, either native or custom, will need to implement .clone() method to be properly supported by the clone() functionwhen called on such an object, it will simply defer to the local method; see the Non-generic object types (a.k.a. Make sure to keep the files together if you move them out of the included directory. See the <> macro for its replacement. Expressions are simply units of code that yield values when evaluated. Deletes the audio group with the given group ID. Story API. Zorkish Sugarcube 6. Warning: Selects the element that contains passage elements. The story metadata, like saves, is tied to the specific story it was generated with. Harlowe is the default style for Twine 2.0 and uses a syntax that is different than Sugarcube. Outputs a copy of the contents of the selected element(s). Returns an AudioRunner instance for the tracks matching the given selector. However, I've tried to use elements in these arrays, like this: $y=$z [0] [2] and it doesn't seem to work. The debug views may be toggled via the Views button. The debug bar (bottom right corner of the page) allows you to: watch the values of story and temporary variables, toggle the debug views, and jump to any moment/turn within the history. See Config.macros.maxLoopIterations for more information. Note: Wikifies the given content source(s) and discards the result. The variable watch panel may be toggled via the Watch button. The cycling options are populated via <